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포부 맵

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당신의 포부맵 얻기


트레이닝을 통해 이루고 싶은 주목적은 무엇입니까?

  • 아주 많이 충분함 알지 못함 약간 아무 것도 없음
  • 나의 신체 자각하기 1 2 3 4 5
  • 하루 스트레스를 없애고 릴렉스 하세요 1 2 3 4 5
  • 이상적인 몸무게를 실현하세요 1 2 3 4 5
  • 몸짱이 되어 보세요 1 2 3 4 5
  • 건강 유지를 위해 신체적 활동을 하세요 1 2 3 4 5
  • 생활의 질을 높이도록 꾸준히 운동하세요 1 2 3 4 5
  • 나의 근육량 늘리기 1 2 3 4 5
  • 나의 신체에 감사하고 성공하기 위해 1 2 3 4 5
  • 내가 연습하는 스포츠를 위해 트레이닝 1 2 3 4 5
  • 나의 스포츠 능력을 향상시키려고 1 2 3 4 5
  • 의미있는 시간활용 및 재미 1 2 3 4 5
  • 새로운 사람을 만나고 경험을 쌓기 위해 1 2 3 4 5

당신의 삶에서 또한 중요한 것은....

  • 아주 많이 충분함 알지 못함 약간 아무 것도 없음
  • 신체적 균형과 심리적 안정을 위해 1 2 3 4 5
  • 자신과 남들로부터 고마움을 느끼기 위해 1 2 3 4 5
  • 적절한 몸상태를 느끼기 위해 1 2 3 4 5
  • 스스로를 통제하고 존중 받을 수도록 성공하기 위해 1 2 3 4 5
  • 신체적 능력 향샹을 위해 1 2 3 4 5
  • 다른 사람들과 교감하고 즐거운 활동을 즐기기 위해 1 2 3 4 5

운동할 때 어떤 활동을 더 하고 싶으십니까?

  • 아주 많이 충분함 알지 못함 약간 아무 것도 없음
  • 스트레칭과 유연성 트레이닝 1 2 3 4 5
  • 몸 만들기 운동 1 2 3 4 5
  • 런닝기구를 통한 유산소운동 1 2 3 4 5
  • 프리 웨이트 기구를 통한 근력 강화 1 2 3 4 5
  • 트레이닝과 관련된 특정 스포츠 1 2 3 4 5
  • 그룹 활동의 낮은 효과 1 2 3 4 5

당신의 포부에 대해 더 알아보기 위해 양식을 작성해 주세요

Aspiration Finder©
Notes relating to the processing of personal data
These rules and guidelines describe the ways in which your personal data will be processed by the software application "Aspiration Finder©" (the "Application") property of Technogym S.p.A., a company incorporated in Italy with operating address in Via G. Perticari no. 20 - 47035 Gambettola (FC) Italy ("Technogym"). The Application is licensed and made available on the web at Better Bodies Zundert - Hofdreef 38 Zundert - 4881 DR - NB (the "Operator").
The Application may be accessible through the website www.technogym.com (the "Site") or integrated within the website of the Operator.
The Application allows you to define the aspirations that drive you to engage in physical activity. This is done by automatic processing of certain personal data collected, processed and stored by the Application's database. These data are processed solely on behalf of the Operator, which therefore has onwership of the related processing. Technogym may use the data collected overall by the Application only in aggregate form to improve the service and in any case subject to its anonymisation.
These notes therefore do not constitute an information notice on data privacy for regulatory purposes applicable to the Operator. We ask users to read the information notice that the Operator is required to produce regarding the processing of personal data. Nevertheless, we ask you to carefully read this document to understand the policies and the purposes underlying the processing of the data by the Application.
  1. Type of data collected and acquisition methods.
    Use of the Application involves the acquisition and processing of personal data relating to personal details (such as name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number) and data relating to personal preferences gathered through a questionnaire and processed automatically. In any event, it is information that users enters of their own free will and is not collected automatically, other than its subsequent processing by the Application.
  2. Purposes and methods of processing the data.
    All the data collected in the Application's database will be used to identify the user's aspirations, as well as satisfying the resulting legal requirements, subject to additional purposes that the Operator must make known in its data privacy information notice.
  3. Place where the personal data will be stored.
    The recording of the data implies the acceptance that the data will be stored in the Application database on servers located in Italy, subject to supervision and control by Technogym and/or its chosen suppliers of web hosting and conservative and/or evolutive maintenance services. This Database will be made available to the Operator and maintained on behalf of the Operator, which shall retain all the legal responsibilities regarding the processing of the personal data. However, please note that the transmission of data via Internet nevertheless has certain risks and, even though Technogym adheres to appropriate levels of security, we can not guarantee complete security. All transfers of data on the Internet take place at the risk of the registered user. From the moment we receive the data in our database, we will apply all measures and procedures to prevent unauthorised access or any damage.
  4. Persons or categories of persons to whom the personal data may be communicated or who have access to the data as controllers or processors and scope of dissemination of the data.
    Personal data entered into the database will be available to and used by the Operator in accordance with the aims identified by it. The Operator may, in turn, engage its employed or freelance staff for the processing of the data according to the purposes defined independently by Operator.
  5. Duration of the processing.
    The duration of the storage and processing of data in the database will be established and managed by the Operator under its sole responsibility. Please check the relevant conditions with your Operator.
* 필수사항

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