
Aspiration Maps (願望マップ)





  • 非常にあてはまる あてはまる わからない 少しあてはまる まったくあてはまらない
  • 自分の体調を知るため 1 2 3 4 5
  • リラックス、ストレス解消 1 2 3 4 5
  • 減量や体重のコントロール 1 2 3 4 5
  • シェイプアップ、スタイルを良くするため 1 2 3 4 5
  • 健康のため、運動不足解消 1 2 3 4 5
  • 運動を生活習慣に取り入れたい 1 2 3 4 5
  • 筋肉を付けたい 1 2 3 4 5
  • 成功のために外見を良く見られたい 1 2 3 4 5
  • 普段行うスポーツのためのトレーニング 1 2 3 4 5
  • スポーツ競技力の向上 1 2 3 4 5
  • 余暇を有効に使い楽しみたい 1 2 3 4 5
  • 新しい友人との出会いや、新しい経験がしたい 1 2 3 4 5


  • 非常にあてはまる あてはまる わからない 少しあてはまる まったくあてはまらない
  • 自分の心と体のバランスを確かめること 1 2 3 4 5
  • 在りたい自分で在る事で、他人から感謝される事 1 2 3 4 5
  • 健康でいること、それを感じること 1 2 3 4 5
  • 成功すること、注目されること 1 2 3 4 5
  • 運動能力を向上させること 1 2 3 4 5
  • 仲間と一緒に楽しむこと 1 2 3 4 5


  • 非常にあてはまる あてはまる わからない 少しあてはまる まったくあてはまらない
  • ストレッチなどの柔軟運動 1 2 3 4 5
  • 筋肉を付け、体をつくる運動 1 2 3 4 5
  • ランニングマシンによる有酸素運動 1 2 3 4 5
  • フリーウェイトによる筋力トレーニング 1 2 3 4 5
  • スポーツ競技に関わるトレーニング 1 2 3 4 5
  • 簡単なグループエクササイズ 1 2 3 4 5


以下の規則と指針は、所在地をVia G. Perticari no. 20 - 47035 Gambettola (FC) Italyとするイタリアの会社Technogym S.p.A.(以下、「テクノジム」)の所有物である、ソフトウェア「アスピレーションファインダー©」(以下、「アプリケーション」)によるお客様の個人データの取り扱いについて記載したものです。本アプリケーションは、The Parks Recreation & Sports Centre - 46 Cowan St Angle Park - 5010 - SAのウェブサイト(以下「運営者」)がライセンスを供与し、使用を許可するものです。
本アプリケーションによって、利用者は、身体活動に従事するための呼吸機能を測定できます。これは、本アプリケーションのデータベースによって収集、処理、保存された個人のデータを自動的に処理することで実行されます。これらのデータは、もっぱら運営者、すなわち、関連するデータ処理の権利を有する者に代わって処理されるものとします。 アプリケーションによって収集されたデータをテクノジムが利用するに当たっては、サービスの向上を目的とし、集合体として、いかなる場合においても匿名でのみ利用できるものとします。
  1. 収集されるデータのタイプと収集方法
  2. データ処理の目的と手法
  3. 個人データの格納場所
    データの記録は、そのデータが、テクノジム、ウェブホスティングの選任サプライヤや保守サービス業者の両方またはそのいずれかによる監督および管理下において、イタリアにあるサーバー上の本アプリケーションのデータベースに保存されることの了承を意味します。Tこのデータベースは運営者が利用できるようになっており、個人データの取扱に関するあらゆる法的責任の保持を含め、運営者に代わって管理されるものとします。 ただし、テクノジムがセキュリティに十分な注意を払ったとしても、インターネットを介したデータの送信は常に危険を伴うものであり、完全な安全性は保証できかねることをご理解ください。インターネットを介したすべてのデータ送信には、登録ユーザーのある程度の危険が伴います。当社では、お客様のデータがデータベースに受信された時点で、不正アクセスまたは損傷を回避するためのあらゆる手段を講じています。
  4. 個人データの送信先となる、またはデータ管理者もしくは処理担当者としてアクセス権を持つ個人もしくは個人の属するカテゴリおよびデータの配布範囲
  5. 処理期間

1. Introduction

YMCA South Australia considers the privacy of individuals, staff, volunteers, clients, Member Associations and associated companies to be of highest importance, and is committed to handling all personal information with honesty and transparency.

YMCA South Australia is committed to ensuring openness and transparency of governance to stakeholders while protecting the privacy of individuals. This policy outlines how the YMCA South Australia will approach the collection, storage, disclosure and use of personal information.

This policy has been prepared in accordance with current legislation.

2. Scope

YMCA South Australia reserves the right to make changes or amendments to the Privacy Policy as required by law, technologies and relevant changes in YMCA South Australia’s operational practices.

This policy applies to all people with access to YMCA South Australia Inc., its entities and YMCA South Australia Youth and Family Services Inc. For the purpose of this document we refer to these entities as YMCA South Australia. All policies and procedures that apply to YMCA activities at an Association / Entity level must conform to this Policy.

This policy applies to the whole of YMCA South Australia (staff, Board Directors, volunteers and independent contractors and consultants) with access to information systems and storage (computer based or otherwise).

3. Policy Statement

YMCA South Australia adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988; and as amended, the Commonwealth Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000; and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

For more information on the Act and the Australian Privacy Principles, please refer to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - www.oaic.gov.au.

4. Collection of Personal Information

If YMCA South Australia requires the collection of any personal information, the purpose for which the information is to be collected and the consequences of providing it will be made clear at the time of the collection.

Personal information may be collected for the following purposes:

  • Programs and Service Provision
  • Administration
  • Training
  • Employment (payroll, taxation, superannuation)
  • Work Health & Safety
  • Research, Development and Quality Assurance
  • Donations

YMCA South Australia also collects sensitive health information such as:

  • Blood Pressure
  • Body-Mass Index
  • Personal Medical Plans
  • Public Incident Injury and Claims Records
  • Medical Conditions and/or Disability

Personal information may be collected from various sources including:

  • Client membership application forms
  • Training application forms
  • Website inquiry and website feedback sections
  • Website donation form
  • Email, e-card, mail and facsimile
  • Responses to employment advertisements
  • Employees and contractors
  • Voting member registers
  • Registration for events and programs

All information is collected in a fair and lawful manner and as required / permitted by law. YMCA South Australia is committed to ensuring that all individuals are aware of the purpose of collection of the information.

4.1 Collection of Personal / Health information relating to children

YMCA South Australia will not collect, use or disclose personal information about anyone under the age of sixteen (16) years of age unless the consent of a parent or legal guardian has been obtained.

4.2 Website

Accessing the YMCA South Australia website at www.sa.ymca.org.au will not require any identification or any other personal information to enable access, and therefore users retain anonymity.

YMCA South Australia does however collect personal information, suggestions and feedback provided by visitors through the following sections on the website:

  • ‘Contact us’
  • ‘Provide Feedback’
  • eNewsletter Distribution
  • Donation Form

This information, and the ideas provided, may be used to assist in making improvements to the website or to YMCA South Australia operations. On no occasion will a person’s name or personal details be published without permission.

Where emails or e-cards are forwarded to an email address or contact person listed on this website, the sender’s address will not be added to a mailing list and will be only used by YMCA South Australia to contact the sender. Once the office has responded to any feedback or complaint, the sender’s contact information will be deleted in a secure manner.

YMCA South Australia will provide advice on its website regarding the accessing of other links provided on the site, and include a disclaimer regarding perceived ownership of said sites.

4.3 Maintenance and Storage of Personal Information

YMCA South Australia will take reasonable steps and use appropriate security mechanisms to ensure that the personal information held is protected from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

YMCA South Australia will maintain its record keeping system to ensure that all personal information collected is up to date and complete as is reasonably practical.

Any person who on behalf of YMCA South Australia, uses or discloses personal information held by YMCA South Australia must have appropriate authorisation to do so.

5. Use & Disclosure

YMCA South Australia will not use personal information for any purpose other than for which it is intended without first seeking the individual’s consent or unless authorised or requested by law. The organisation will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure or inappropriate or accidental destruction.

Disclosure of personal and health information will be in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

6. Data Quality

Where YMCA South Australia requires personal information to be collected, every effort will be made to ensure the information is accurate, complete and up to date.

7. Data Security

Information collected on individuals, including staff, volunteers, clients, member associations and associated companies will be stored in a secure environment at all times. Where information is stored off site, YMCA South Australia will ensure confidentiality agreements with the archival suppliers are in place and maintained. All such suppliers are to be screened to ensure that they maintain security and confidentiality requirements.

Consumer health information is to be retained for a minimum of seven (7) years following the last occasion on which a service is provided. Where information was first collected while the individual was a child, it is to be retained until he/she is twenty five (25) years of age or for seven (7) years, whichever is the greater.

Accredited training qualifications and related records are retained for twenty seven (27) years.

Employment documents and records, including payroll records, are to be retained for periods of time as prescribed by the relevant legislation both during and post-employment. Employees may request access to their personal file. However, files are not to be removed from the office location in which they are stored and access is to be supervised. At the discretion of the Manager - People and Culture, documents may be copied or printed and provided to the employee – original copies are not to be removed from files other than for copying purposes.

All credit card and personal financial data collected by YMCA South Australia is handled in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

8. Openness

YMCA South Australia will be open about the type of personal information collected and stored and the ways in which it is used. The YMCA South Australia Privacy Policy is available to the community, members and clients upon request and YMCA South Australia website.

9. Access and Correction

Where personal information is obtained and retained, the individual it relates to is entitled to access that record. YMCA South Australia may be required to deny access only in circumstances where it would be unlawful or not within the jurisdiction of relevant legislation.

YMCA South Australia must take reasonable steps to confirm the identity of any individual seeking access to their own information. Unless required by law no person or persons may have access to any personal information pertaining to any other person.

YMCA South Australia will respond to processing, access, and correction requests promptly upon request.

Any health information collected by YMCA South Australia will not be deleted during the period of time it is required to be held (refer above). Amendments or alterations to health information are to be recorded on a separate form and attached to the original file.

10. Identifiers

YMCA South Australia may be required to collect an individual’s identifiers such as a Tax File Number, Medicare Number or Social Security Number for the provision of services. Where collected, these identifiers will only be disclosed to agencies as required by law.

11. Transfer/Closure of Health Services

In the event of local YMCA Association managed health services (i.e. medical suite, massage service, physiotherapy service, sports medicine service, health and fitness club) being transferred, sold, leased, or ceasing operation, the Association is required to enact notification and transfer procedures as directed by the appropriate State/Territory legislation.

12. Sensitive Information

If or when YMCA South Australia is required to collect sensitive information about an individual, it will only be collected and transferred to other parties as outlined at the time of collection with the individual’s consent.

Collection of sensitive information such as religious affiliation, gender, disability, NDIS status, languages spoken other than English and criminal records will only occur when the individual has consented or where the law requires such collection.

13. Contact and Complaints

Formal complaints regarding the manner in which personal information is collected, used or disclosed are to be handled in accordance with the YMCA Customer Feedback Management Procedure.

If any person has concerns, complaints or thinks there has been a breach of privacy regarding information collected about you, please either submit via the website or contact the Chief Executive Officer or the person nominated by the Chief Executive Officer.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, or at any time, you may refer your complaint to the Office of the Australia Information Commissioner (www.oaic.gov.au).

14. Roles and Responsibilities

Department / Area Role / Responsibility

Board Directors

Oversee the development, monitoring and review of the Policy and related systems.

Review and approve as appropriate

Chief Executive Officer

Ensure appropriate training is provided to all staff and volunteers to foster a responsible working environment

Ensure clear guidelines that delineates inappropriate behaviour

Senior Management

Responsible for the promotion of a culture that encourages respect and consideration for the privacy and use of people’s private information is lawful

Adhering to the requirements of the Privacy Policy

All employees (including Managers, Directors, Coordinators, Team Leaders), Volunteers and Contractors

Responsible for adhering to the requirements of the Privacy Policy and ensuring they understand their responsibilities

15. Supporting Documents

Privacy rights in South Australia are established in accordance with the privacy related legislation:

  • The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988
  • Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
  • Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972
  • Summary Offences Act 1953
  • Electronic Transactions Act 2000 (South Australia)
  • Disability Services Act 1993 (South Australia)
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1987 (Commonwealth)
  • Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council
  • YMCA South Australia - Complaints and Grievance Policy
  • YMCA South Australia - Code of Conduct Policy
  • YMCA South Australia – Membership Terms and Conditions
  • YMCA South Australia – Fact Sheet in relation to YMCA Website and Privacy


16. Monitoring and Evaluation

The YMCA South Australia will monitor and evaluate the Privacy Policy every two (2) years to ensure the systems and process remains relevant and consistent with ‘best practise’ business management principles.

17. Version History

Version Date Description and Changes Effective Date Review Date



Privacy Policy


May 2014


May 2014

Updated Privacy Policy

June 2014

June 2016


March 2017

Review and Update

June 2017

June 2019

The National Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of Australia (a company limited by guarantee, ABN 45 004 076 297) and Australian YMCA Services Pty Ltd

Terms of Use

Important Terms: Please read by using the ymca.org.au site ("Site"), you agree to be bound by the following terms ("Terms"). The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297) reserves the right to change these Terms at any time, without notice, and you agree to be bound by such changes.

Your Use

You may not use this Site to supply a product or service, or to increase traffic to your web site for commercial reasons, such as advertising sales. You may not, without express written permission from The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297), take words or graphics from this Site reformat and display them. You also may not mirror this Site on your web site.

Your use of this Site does not create a licence or any other rights with respect to the trademarks, service marks, copyright, or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights in or on the Site.

The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297) may add to, remove or vary any information on this Site at any time.


Unless otherwise indicated, The National Council of the YMCA of Australia owns copyright in the contents and design of this Site. Except as set out below, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws, you must not reproduce, adapt, store in a retrieval system, transmit, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content or design of this Site.

You may view the content of this Site on your Internet browser and also print copies of the content of this Site: (a) for personal or non-commercial purposes; and (b) provided that you do not remove or modify any copyright notices.


All trademarks used on this Site are registered or unregistered trade mark of The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297).

The YMCA® brand are registered trademarks of The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297). The YMCA AUSTRALIA™ brand are trademarks pending registration of The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297). BODY MIND SPIRIT® brand are registered trademarks of The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297).

You may not use, modify or permit the modification of any of the above trademarks without the prior written consent of The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297).


This Site contains, among other things, information provided by third parties and links to third party web sites. There may be technical inaccuracies, errors, programming bugs or computer viruses in this Site or its contents. The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297) and their respective contractors, make no representations about the accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability of the information or links provided on this Site.

The information is provided 'as is' without express or implied warranty. You use the information and links at your own risk. The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297), and their contractors take no responsibility for the content of Internet sites that link from, or to, this site. Except as set out below, The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297), and their contractors exclude: (a) warranties whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, relating in any way to this Site or your use of this Site; and (b) liability (including for negligence) to you or anyone else in respect of any loss or damage (including special, indirect or consequential loss or damage such as loss of revenue, unavailability of systems or loss of data) arising from, or in connection with, any use of the information on, or accessed through, this Site for any reason whatsoever.

Where any statute implies any term into your use of, or any arrangement arising out of, the accessing of this Site and that statute prohibits exclusion of that term, then that term is included.

If and to the extent permitted by the statute, however, The National Council of the YMCA of Australia (ABN 45 004 076 297) and their contractors' liability for any breach of such term is limited to the re-supply of the information or links or associated services.

* 必須のフィールド

